Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Kabbage Gives eBay Sellers Working Capital Through PayPal To Grow Their Businesses

Many sellers on sites like eBay, Etsy, and Amazon have created profitable small businesses out of opening up online storefronts on these e-commerce platforms. But these storefronts aren't conventionally considered small businesses by the financial community and it can be difficult for them to raise working capital from banks. Kabbage is entering the space as a way for online merchants and sellers on eBay and Amazon to get capital they otherwise wouldn't qualify for at a bank. Kabbage uses technology to analyze online merchants' sales and credit history; customer traffic and reviews; and prices and inventory compared to competitors. Via PayPal's Adaptive Payments API, Kabbage will make cash advances available to eBay and other online marketplace sellers fairly quickly (Kabbage says that many transactions take as little has ten minutes).

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