Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Samsung Galaxy Nexus gets 'opened'


It’s not “rooting,” it’s openness

-- Nick Kralevich, Android security engineer

There's a bit of brouhaha on the Internet today about the Samsung Galaxy Nexus being "rooted."  While I applaud the gentlemen who take the time to build binaries needed to flash the superuser/switchuser files to the GNexus, I think it's more important to re-visit something from the past.  Namely, you don't need to exploit a Nexus device to root it.  The tools to unlock the potential of a Nexus phone are included, so pushing new software that allows more access to the system isn't really a surprise.  Hopefully, someone can go further with this access and do something that does surprise us. 

Mr. O'Brien, I tip my hat to you for taking the time to build your superboot image.  Most users wouldn't take the time needed to learn how do it, and you've provided the easy path for them.  Now there's no excuse for anyone with a GNexus to not jump in feet first and see what Android can do when given the proper tools, and openness.

More: MoDaCo

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