By 4:30 pm, the orange mist had faded across the highway from Stevens Pass. Clouds were moving in, the chairs had stopped spinning, and darkness was setting in as we strapped in for one last top to bottom lap. Accompanied by Aaron Robinson, Kyle Miller, Sky Rosveld, and Sam Tuor, opening day of the 2010-11 season at Stevens kept us sliding sideways from first chair until darkness took over. Indeed, it was far from your normal 9-to-5er…
The morning commute from our offices in Bellingham featured a rising sun and pockets of blue that held through morning hit laps through the trees under the Hogsback Express; a lunchtime meeting with Director of Marketing Services Chris Rudolph happened on the first chair on Tye Mill, and featured a presentation on mini-senders and party laps; the afternoon agenda included hikes up to the early reaches of Cowboy Ridge and intermittent snowfall. It was there that we found ourselves the last riders on-hill, ripping knee-deep fresh through steep rolls and mini-pillows, cruising back to the lodge for a fireside wrap-up and recap of the day.
Opening day at Stevens Pass—not your typical eight-hour shift.
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